May God’s abundant love and grace be with you all in the season of Christmas, the birth of Lord Jesus Christ, and the advent of His second coming.
We have face-to-face worship services at Vancouver Japanese United Church, adhering to the British Columbia health authority guidelines.
Our bilingual Christmas service will be held on December 19 from 11 am.
Please dress warm since we will have the windows open for ventilation. We recommend vaccines, face masks, and keeping a distance from each other. After the service, we will have lunch, but we suggest sanitizing your hands and wearing masks unless you are eating.
We will celebrate with music, entertainment, and games after lunch. Please join us.
Also, you can join the service by online with zoom and Youtube.
The zoom link is
The Youtube link is
May the family gatherings be blessed with good health and with the love of Jesus Christ throughout the days ahead.
Vancouver Japanese United Church
Daebin Im
December 24 (Friday) 6 pm: Christmas Candle Light Service and Dinner.
January 10 (Sunday) 11 am: New Year’s Bilingual service.